Saturday, May 21, 2011

How to make an Interactive Scrapbooking layout

Do we all love to look at an album where you can interact with the various different pages? What I mean by that, is that some pages will have mini booklets to open, others you can draw tags and have something out shoot, and other clichés have envelopes that you can open and read the content inside. These sorts of all elements add a sense of mystery to your albums and used on some of your page layouts for add you your pleasure to readers.

Here's an idea of different scrapbooking. Why do an interactive presentation with a circle that you can enable. Whenever you turn to photography, a different photograph appears in the window. Here's how to do it.

First, you need to collect the photographs that you want to use on the layout and to determine those which will go on the circle. You can use any amount of photos, but two, three or four pictures is a number, then the segments will be not too small to display.

Draw a circle on your paper cardboard with an area that will be adequate for the sum of segments you want to use. If you have chosen four photographs for example, you will need to draw a circle and are divided into four segments in the same way that you would have divided a pizza. Draws a line in the Centre of the circle and another through dividing the circle into four equal segments.

Cut each of your photos to fit within a segment of your circle and make sure that the focus point is in the middle of the circle on the photographs. Now meet your photos to your paper cardboard with acid-free glue. Make sure that you paste the photo firmly as this page will be much affected that person to turn the wheel and you want your photos to all offshore. Also make sure that you make sure that all your photographs are facing the same way, so they show the right way around.

If you use four photographs, you want to cut a window on your cover page of the size of a quarter of your circle. The best way to do this is with your knife. Use a brad in the circle to secure the circle of the photo on the back of your card to fit the window. Poke a small hole with your punch for the brad to pass through the circle back and the first page.

Decorate the rest of your page layout that you choose. You could even make the circle in a clock showing time going by. There is as much you can do with this idea for fun.

View the original article here


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