$10 SAVINGS on the BEST SELLING "Pregnancy Journal Suite" - MY PREGNANCY DIGI TIME CAPSULE; The Only All-In-One Award Winning "Pregnancy Suite" on the Market. Includes Pregnancy Journal, letters to baby, Guided Monthly Questions, Media Center for your Pregnancy photos & videos, Old Wives Tales Quiz, Create a Family Tree, Monthly Belly Bump Photo Collage, Daddy's Corner, Create Your Own Pregnancy Video in Under 5 Minutes and So Much More!
by My Pregnancy Digi Time Capsule "Pregnancy Journal Suite"

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Review & Description
We have created a Unique way to capture your pregnancy journey. Loaded on a luxurious "Crystal Heart" Time Capsule Drive, the My Pregnancy Digi Time Capsule is the "Ultimate Pregnancy Suite" that helps you truly Capture, Store and Pass Along Your Pregnancy Journey. Months 1-9Each month has 100's of guided questions that capture your physical and emotional changes. Track your weight gain, Dr. visits, ultrasounds, baby's heartbeat, maternity clothes, gifts for baby, baby names, who you told, working while pregnant, shopping and all things pregnancy.Upload your pregnancy photos, audio of baby's heartbeat, ultrasound pictures, a video message to your baby.Pregnancy JournalComes with auto calendar to date your entries. Unlimited entries. Family TreeNo static tree here, it's as dynamic as your family. Add family member photos and descriptions. All About YouStart your time capsule with all the facts about you; from the languages you speak, education, likes, dislikes, social activities, your first kiss, your first car to how you met your partner. Write Letters for the FutureHave fun writing letters to your baby for them to read in the future. Share an experience they may learn from at certain times in your life. Unlimited entries. Invite family and friends to write one as well.Now and ThenCapture the costs and events of the time you live in now. Have fun estimating futures costs. It will be fun to come back and see how accurate you were.Labor & DeliveryCapture your labor, birth and delivery. Guided Questions will help you capture everything from your hospital bag to baby's going home outfit.Baby...Capture every baby shower, planning and designing of baby's nursery; who purchased items for baby's room and how you decided on the theme. Capture baby's first kick, hiccup, roll, and growth. Creating Your Pregnancy VideoTurn all of your media uploads into a pregnancy video that you can save and share.
Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #47584 in Single Detail Page Misc
- Brand: My Pregnancy Digi Time Capsule "Pregnancy Journal Suite"
- Model: DTC-PG-CRS
- Upload Photos, Videos, Music, Scanned Documents, Audio Messages
- Capture your Moods, Waddles, Whines (non-alcoholic), Dreams, Maternity Fashion, Swollen Ankles..etc
- Keep a personal journal - add as many entries as you'd like
- Create a Photo Family Tree; Write Letters for the Future
- Create a complete Video of your Pregnancy and share it!
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